Dear syslog-ng users,

This is the 122nd issue of syslog-ng Insider, a monthly newsletter that brings you syslog-ng-related news.


Version 4.8.0 of syslog-ng improves FreeBSD and MacOS support

Recently One Identity released version 4.8.0 of its open-source log management application. Learn about some of the new features and bug fixes: why upgrade to the latest syslog-ng version, not only on FreeBSD :-)

syslog-ng Prometheus exporter

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system that collects metrics from your hosts and applications, allowing you to visualize and alert on them. The syslog-ng Prometheus exporter allows you to export syslog-ng statistics, so that Prometheus can collect it.

While an implementation in Go has been available for years on GitHub (for more information, see this blog entry), that solution uses the old syslog-ng statistics interface. And while that Go-based implementation still works, syslog-ng 4.1 introduced a new interface that provides not just more information than the previous statistics interface, but does so in a Prometheus-friendly format. The information available through the new interface has been growing ever since.

The syslog-ng Prometheus exporter is implemented in Python. It also uses the new statistics interface, making new fields automatically available when added.

Experimental syslog-ng packages for Amazon Linux 2023

Last year, I received many requests about syslog-ng for Amazon Linux 2023, but I could not find an easy way to create syslog-ng packages. Recently, however, I found that Fedora Copr supports building packages for Amazon Linux 2023. So, with a little bit of experimentation, I got a cut down version of syslog-ng compiled.


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