Dear syslog-ng users,

This is the 123rd issue of syslog-ng Insider, a monthly newsletter that brings you syslog-ng-related news.


You can also contribute to the syslog-ng OSE documentation

The up-to-date syslog-ng Administration Guide received a new look and easier navigation, as well as better search experience. Best of all, you can now also easily contribute to the syslog-ng documentation.

The $TRANSPORT macro of syslog-ng

Do you want to know how your log messages arrived to syslog-ng? The new $TRANSPORT macro provides you with part of the answer. It shows you the protocol variant for network sources, or the kind of local source used.

Rolling RPM platforms added to the syslog-ng package build system

Syslog-ng uses a container-based system to generate the official source tgz and to build ready-to-use packages for various Linux distributions. Recently, we added support for some rolling RPM Linux distributions, allowing us to spot breaking changes before a stable release of the OS would become available.


Your feedback and news, or tips about the next issue are welcome. To read this newsletter online, visit:

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